Aldergrove – Open for Business!

Aldergrove Veterans and Seniors Society

ABA Member ABA Member

Aldergrove Veterans and Seniors Society

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About Aldergrove Veterans and Seniors Society

The Aldergrove Veterans and Seniors Society's goal is to provide low-cost daily meals and socializing to seniors residing in the community, and guests to the area. Volunteers provide services for senior community members, with hot home-cooked meals served throughout the week. Provides a comfortable space for seniors to socialize with each other, and participate in various activities. The Society fosters a strong sense of community amongst those attending.

Date Business Started: 1980

Primary Products / Services

We offered nutritious meals for seniors, veterans
After meals games are offered


27247 Fraser Highway, Aldergrove BC V4W 3P9

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Aldergrove Business Association
27112 Fraser Hwy
Aldergrove, BC
V4W 3P6