ABA Member
Aldergrove Painters Inc.
Aldergrove Painters Inc. paints homes and businesses. They service primarily in Langley and Abbotsford.... [more]
The ABA's Aldergrove business directory contains listings for businesses in the town of Aldergrove, located within the Township of Langley.
Businesses who support the ABA via membership have enhanced listings. Our members are committed to enhancing the vitality of the local community. Thank you for shopping and supporting local!
Browse by category at left, use the search function, or view the directory alphabetically below.
Aldergrove Painters Inc. paints homes and businesses. They service primarily in Langley and Abbotsford.... [more]
Aldergrove Plumbing is a small plumbing company in Aldergrove. We have done work for a handful of businesses in town including The Hive.... [more]
Buddy with a Truck Inc. handles deliveries of large items like furniture. In addition, they do small moves, junk removal, and interior demol... [more]
Jim’s Mowing Canada has been serving the people of British Columbia since 1997. Jim’s Mowing grew from one single franchise to more than... [more]
With over 36 of years of experience, L&W Restoration Services Ltd. focuses mainly on commercial and retail handyman services but also h... [more]
Locally owned business with over 36 years experience.... [more]