Aldergrove – Open for Business!

ABA Updates for August 2018

Aldergrove Downtown Revitalization Survey

The ABA has developed a short survey to determine what new businesses the community would like to see open up shop in the downtown core. See for details and to take the survey.

Next ABA Speaker: Keith Cornies with Aim Coaching

Our next ABA speaker will be Keith Cornies with Aim Coaching to help jump start your business. Three sessions in total are being scheduled (one in November, January, and March); dates to be posted shortly. The sessions will be progressive, building on the concepts from the previous session.

ABA members can attend for free and non-members can attend for $35 / session or $99 for all three. This represents a fantastic deal – Keith’s regular cost for a group session is $250 / hour or $150 / hour for one-on-one coaching.

ABA Video: World Class Fun in Aldergrove

The ABA has developed a new and exciting ABA video called “World Class Fun – Aldergrove, BC”. Watch the video online.

New Join the ABA Flyer

Look for a new flyer encouraging local businesses to join the ABA – download a PDF version.

ABA Member Promo Videos

ABA President Jodi Steeves is out and about visiting each ABA member and getting to know the ins and outs of their business, and shooting a one minute promotional video. Jodi is scheduling times in August for members who have not yet been interviewed – call Jodi to book your time at 604.833.5634.

“Imagine Your Business Here” Vacant Storefront Campaign

The ABA, in partnership with the Township of Langley, will soon be launching an initiative showcasing the potential of vacant storefronts along the downtown core. The owners of these vacant spaces have been contacted about participating in the program, which will feature posters with the tag line “Imagine Your Business Here” along with photos of modern cafes, clothing shops, etc. These window posters will hopefully encourage future business owners to see the vast potential in Aldergrove, and fill up these spaces with viable tenants.

Aldergrove Business Association
27112 Fraser Hwy
Aldergrove, BC
V4W 3P6

Advertise Here!

Reach the members of the ABA and over 13,000 residents of Aldergrove by advertising on the ABA website.