Aldergrove Business Association membership renewal invoices for 2017 have been sent out via email, with payment due by February 15. Prompt payment ensures your membership is kept in good standing.
Payment can be made online with Mastercard or Visa at
Alternatively, you can pay by cheque made payable to ‘Aldergrove Business Association’, mailed to the ABA address listed on the invoice. To arrange to pay by credit card over the phone, please email
Membership in the ABA has many advantages, including:
- networking with other Aldergrove business operators
- showcasing your business’ products and services
- regular liaison with the RCMP to improve security and safety including scheduled Crime Bulletins and crime prevention education
- membership contact with The Langley Chamber of Commerce and Langley Township to discuss local business issues on a regular basis
- community involvement through volunteering, special events and projects
- online access to information that affects your business and community
- a platform for sharing your ideas and concerns with Township, municipal, and provincial governments
Membership entitles you to vote at Annual General Meetings of the Association and stand for nomination to the Board of Directors. Your paid membership also entitles you to attend ABA meetings, have your business listed on our website, and access to all information updates and email bulletins.
Thank you for being a member!