Aldergrove – Open for Business!

Volunteer Opportunities

ABA Members, We Need Your Help!

The ABA is involved in several community initiatives that require volunteers. See below for information on volunteering for a specific event, or contact us at

Clean Up Langley Day – Saturday April 23, 2016

The ABA is hosting the Aldergrove edition of the next Clean Up Langley Day on Saturday April 23, 2016 from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. By participating in Cleanup Langley Day, you can be part of a team effort to keep our community clean.

More information on the event will be sent out shortly, but we encourage ABA businesses to register their teams in advance.

To register, visit

6th Annual Aldergrove Bike Jam – Date TBD

The 6th Annual Aldergrove Bike Jam will be held this Spring at Aldergrove Athletic Park, date TBD. This great family event features exciting bike and scooter action, cool prizes, and free food. Volunteers are needed to help with event setup and takedown, staffing booths, and general support.

To indicate your willingness to volunteer for this event, please contact us at

3rd Annual Movie in the Park Night – Friday August 12, 2016

The ABA’s 3rd Annual Movie in the Park Night, co-sponsored by Otter Co-op and Aldergrove Credit Union, will take place on Friday August 12, 2016. Volunteers are needed to help with event setup and takedown, staffing booths, and general support.

To indicate your willingness to volunteer for this event, please contact us at

Wall o’Lanterns – Saturday October 29, 2016

Though it’s still several months away, planning has begun for the 2016 Wall o’Lanterns event, which this year will be held on Saturday October 29, 2016. The event, last held in 2013, will raise funds in support of a local charity or charities to be named in the next few months.

Volunteers are needed to help with event setup and takedown, staffing booths, and general support. The ABA will not be able to put on this event unless we have a significant number of volunteers step forward. The Wall o’Lanterns event is a great way for your business to get involved in a unique family-friendly community event.

To indicate your willingness to volunteer for this event, please contact us at

Aldergrove Business Association
27112 Fraser Hwy
Aldergrove, BC
V4W 3P6

Advertise Here!

Reach the members of the ABA and over 13,000 residents of Aldergrove by advertising on the ABA website.