Aldergrove – Open for Business!

Update Shop Local Key Fob Offers

ABA members participating in the Shop Local Key Fob Initiative can update their discounts / special offers using the form below.

Please allow up to 2 full business days for the ABA to approve any updates.

    *Business / Company / Organization Name†:

    *Contact First Name:

    *Contact Last Name:

    *Contact Email Address:


    Primary Shop Local Key Fob Offer:

    Enter the Shop Local Key Fob discount or offer you will guarantee all key fob holders.

    The primary offer must be valid until the end of the calendar year and should be 'unlimited use' throughout the year, once per day. The offer cannot be modified except in extreme circumstances, and only at the discretion of the ABA Board of Directors.

    Additional Key Fob Offers:

    Enter any other discounts or offers you would like to offer all key fob holders.

    Any secondary discounts / offers can offered on a limited time basis (you can edit or delete your discounts / offers at any time).

    Aldergrove Business Association
    27112 Fraser Hwy
    Aldergrove, BC
    V4W 3P6

    Advertise Here!

    Reach the members of the ABA and over 13,000 residents of Aldergrove by advertising on the ABA website.