Aldergrove – Open for Business!

Proposed Transition to Business Improvement Area (BIA)

Aldergrove businesses – our opportunity is NOW.

With significant new housing development, a new community centre slated to open June 2018, potential redevelopment of the Aldergrove Mall, and 50,000 or more people coming to our community for the annual Langley Cruise-In car show starting September 2017, the opportunity for Aldergrove businesses has never been greater.

But we do face several challenges.

With competition from big-box stores and major malls just east and west, many commercial vacancies, storefronts in need of renewal, and a lackluster downtown core, we need a better, stronger support structure for business in Aldergrove.

It’s time to consider enacting a Business Improvement Area.

What is a Business Improvement Area?

  • an association of property owners & tenants within a specified district who join together with official Township of Langley approval in a self-help program aimed at stimulating business & promoting the commercial area
  • via a Township levy on Class 5 & Class 6 commercial properties, resources are pooled to achieve the maximum benefit possible
  • approximate boundaries: Fraser Hwy. (north & south) – Station Rd. to 260th St. & 247th St. to 250th St.

DRAFT proposed BIA boundaries – view larger

Class 5 & Class 6 Commercial Properties

For information on what distinguishes Class 5 & Class 6 properties, see Light Industrial vs. Business and Other Property Classifications on the BC Assessment website.

How would an Aldergrove Business Improvement Area be different from the current Aldergrove Business Association?

  • currently the ABA has 100 member businesses (voluntary), providing an annual budget of $4,500; under a BIA all business owners in the defined area would be members, providing an annual budget of about $250,000
  • significant, stable funding would allow for a Business Development Officer to provide leadership in supporting members and potential new businesses on startup & growth strategies (reducing commercial vacancies)
  • increased funding would allow for initiatives such as storefront renewal cost-sharing, a downtown hanging baskets program, a ‘Shop Local’ rewards initiative, volunteer coordination, & more
  • business ‘voice’ with Township and other partners would be much stronger as a BIA

Why Now?

  • Aldergrove businesses’ challenges are significant – requires dedicated attention
  • timing is right – new Community Centre, potential redevelopment of Aldergrove Mall, potential redevelopment at Aldergrove Arena site
  • community businesses and ToL have stepped up support for our town (e.g. Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre)
  • enacting a BIA would allow for increased partnership with Langley Chamber of Commerce

Key BIA Goals Years 1-3

  1. We will have a more aware, engaged and participative membership.
  2. Downtown Aldergrove will be safer, cleaner, and more attractive to potential businesses.
  3. We will advocate for more accessibility in all modes of transportation.
  4. Aldergrove commercial property owners will have improved strategies, resources and tools for filling vacancies.
  5. Improved advocacy and professional support for our members will ensure Aldergrove businesses can succeed, grow, and thrive.

Potential BIA Initiatives

  • cost-sharing for storefront renewal (awning replacement, paint, window clings, etc.)
  • re-establish downtown hanging baskets program
  • “Shop Local” rewards initiative
  • volunteer coordination
  • lobby for proper 272nd bus exchange, service to Gloucester
  • provide support to members and potential new businesses on startup & growth strategies (reduce commercial vacancy)

Example BIA Budget / Levies

  • levy applied with annual property taxes to property owner of Class 5 & Class 6 properties within the BIA boundary
  • e.g. 2017-2018 levy funding to BIA of approximately $250,000
Sq. Ft. / Lot Size Est. Annual Levy*
e.g. 1,200 sq. ft. on 0.2 acres
e.g. 3,500 sq. ft. on 0.2 acres
e.g. 9,000 sq. ft. on 0.8 acres
e.g. 40,000 sq. ft. on 3.5 acres

Next Steps / Timeline


  • consult with business / property owners & build support
  • approach ToL to formally request establishment of BIA
  • petition must be signed by 50% of commercial owners in boundaries


  • ToL bylaw to approve levy onto 2018 taxes, retro’d to date approved by ToL


  • BIA 1st AGM / passing of first budget

Questions? Comments?

Please contact us at with any questions you may have.

Aldergrove Business Association
27112 Fraser Hwy
Aldergrove, BC
V4W 3P6

Advertise Here!

Reach the members of the ABA and over 13,000 residents of Aldergrove by advertising on the ABA website.