Aldergrove businesses – our opportunity is NOW.
With significant new housing development, a new community centre slated to open June 2018, potential redevelopment of the Aldergrove Mall, and 50,000 or more people coming to our community for the annual Langley Cruise-In car show starting September 2017, the opportunity for Aldergrove businesses has never been greater.
But we do face several challenges.
With competition from big-box stores and major malls just east and west, many commercial vacancies, storefronts in need of renewal, and a lackluster downtown core, we need a better, stronger support structure for business in Aldergrove.
It’s time to consider enacting a Business Improvement Area.
What is a Business Improvement Area?
- an association of property owners & tenants within a specified district who join together with official Township of Langley approval in a self-help program aimed at stimulating business & promoting the commercial area
- via a Township levy on Class 5 & Class 6 commercial properties, resources are pooled to achieve the maximum benefit possible
- approximate boundaries: Fraser Hwy. (north & south) – Station Rd. to 260th St. & 247th St. to 250th St.
DRAFT proposed BIA boundaries – view larger
Class 5 & Class 6 Commercial Properties
For information on what distinguishes Class 5 & Class 6 properties, see Light Industrial vs. Business and Other Property Classifications on the BC Assessment website.
How would an Aldergrove Business Improvement Area be different from the current Aldergrove Business Association?
- currently the ABA has 100 member businesses (voluntary), providing an annual budget of $4,500; under a BIA all business owners in the defined area would be members, providing an annual budget of about $250,000
- significant, stable funding would allow for a Business Development Officer to provide leadership in supporting members and potential new businesses on startup & growth strategies (reducing commercial vacancies)
- increased funding would allow for initiatives such as storefront renewal cost-sharing, a downtown hanging baskets program, a ‘Shop Local’ rewards initiative, volunteer coordination, & more
- business ‘voice’ with Township and other partners would be much stronger as a BIA
Why Now?
- Aldergrove businesses’ challenges are significant – requires dedicated attention
- timing is right – new Community Centre, potential redevelopment of Aldergrove Mall, potential redevelopment at Aldergrove Arena site
- community businesses and ToL have stepped up support for our town (e.g. Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre)
- enacting a BIA would allow for increased partnership with Langley Chamber of Commerce
Key BIA Goals Years 1-3
- We will have a more aware, engaged and participative membership.
- Downtown Aldergrove will be safer, cleaner, and more attractive to potential businesses.
- We will advocate for more accessibility in all modes of transportation.
- Aldergrove commercial property owners will have improved strategies, resources and tools for filling vacancies.
- Improved advocacy and professional support for our members will ensure Aldergrove businesses can succeed, grow, and thrive.
Potential BIA Initiatives
- cost-sharing for storefront renewal (awning replacement, paint, window clings, etc.)
- re-establish downtown hanging baskets program
- “Shop Local” rewards initiative
- volunteer coordination
- lobby for proper 272nd bus exchange, service to Gloucester
- provide support to members and potential new businesses on startup & growth strategies (reduce commercial vacancy)
Example BIA Budget / Levies
- levy applied with annual property taxes to property owner of Class 5 & Class 6 properties within the BIA boundary
- e.g. 2017-2018 levy funding to BIA of approximately $250,000
Sq. Ft. / Lot Size | Est. Annual Levy* |
Small e.g. 1,200 sq. ft. on 0.2 acres |
$525 |
Medium e.g. 3,500 sq. ft. on 0.2 acres |
$900 |
Large e.g. 9,000 sq. ft. on 0.8 acres |
$1,875 |
Jumbo e.g. 40,000 sq. ft. on 3.5 acres |
$13,000 |
Next Steps / Timeline
- consult with business / property owners & build support
- approach ToL to formally request establishment of BIA
- petition must be signed by 50% of commercial owners in boundaries
- ToL bylaw to approve levy onto 2018 taxes, retro’d to date approved by ToL
- BIA 1st AGM / passing of first budget
Questions? Comments?
Please contact us at with any questions you may have.