Aldergrove – Open for Business!

ABA Presents ‘E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial’ Movie in the Park

The Aldergrove Business Association is proud to be sponsoring another Movie in the Park evening, on Saturday August 16, 2014. Bring the family and enjoy “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” on the big screen in the middle of Aldergrove Athletic Park! Be sure to bring your lawn chairs or blankets. There will be activities for kids before the movie starts, and a concession.

This event wouldn’t be possible without the support of our sponsors:

  • Township of Langley
  • Otter Co-Op
  • Aldergrove Credit Union
  • J. Visser Art & Design

See you at the show!

Like Us on Facebook or Follow Us on Twitter & Win!

Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter, post a photo of you, your friends or family at this Saturday’s Movie in the Park, ‘E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial’ and you could win a $100 gift certificate to Otter Co-Op! Use the hashtag #ABAmovie when posting your photo to be sure we see it.

Aldergrove Business Association
27112 Fraser Hwy
Aldergrove, BC
V4W 3P6

Advertise Here!

Reach the members of the ABA and over 13,000 residents of Aldergrove by advertising on the ABA website.